About us
Positive Economics Advisory is an economics and policy consultancy. We use objective analysis of real-world data to describe economic outcomes. Our mission is to empower businesses, industries and governments with economic insights to enable evidence-based decision-making. As a boutique advisory firm of former senior Big4 consultants, our experienced team members are hands-on and heavily involved in delivery. We pride ourselves on our high-quality output and our positive, collaborative, inclusive, and transparent work ethic.
We are friendly, constructive and optimisticCollaborative
We work together to solve problemsInclusive
We welcome all ideas, approaches and personalitiesTransparent
We are upfront, open and honestIntegrity
We hold ourselves to a high standard in the quality of our advice and in our ways of working -
We have completed over 100 projects. Our studies have covered all Australian states and territories and more than 30 nations. We’ve worked with many of Australia’s largest corporations, government agencies and charities.
We use widely-accepted model platforms. We are skilled in the use of computable general equilibrium models - the more robust and accepted approach for economy-wide modelling. We attribute impacts using Australian government accepted methodologies.
We are upfront and honest. Our tried and tested approach is clearly documented, setting our clients up for success with defensible results.